Money on Instagram

  • How I Make Money on Instagram

    Are you currently making Money on Instagram? 

    If no, then there is either something wrong with your Content strategy or you need a new plan for why you use Instagram. When I started paying serious attention to my Instagram, what I really wanted to do was learn How people make money on Instagram. As of this writing my personal Instagram page has 350,000+ followers. 

    But that was not motivation enough for me.

    I knew I had to start afresh, with a different name and without using my personal brand as leverage.

    Just like you, I had read a lot about how people made money on Instagram, I had watched several Youtube videos and read so many blog posts just like this one you are reading now. The truth was I needed to test things for myself. 

    I was already thousands of Dollars monthly as an Influencer with my personal brand account, but I needed something different.

    Today, 4 months into my grind and 14,600 followers later, I have successfully made a lot of Money from my new Instagram account @creatorialz

    And the verdict is in! You don’t need a lot of followers to make money with Instagram or any online platform.

    What you need is a very targeted message, a Niched and highly engaged audience and something you can sell.

    It is so very important that you optimize your Instagram account for conversions and really begin to speak to your ideal audience/clients with your content.

    Content is King they say, but King of what? What is your King doing for you if it is not helping your Business goals?

    If you’d like to learn How to Optimize your account and grow your first 5000 Engaged followers, check out my new Masterclass on Instagram growth here.

    So How exactly do I make Money with @creatorialz

    My biggest earner so far has been my Courses, Masterclasses and Ebooks.

    Next to that is my 1-on-1 Coaching with clients who are seeking more advanced, personalized strategies for their accounts and businesses with Instagram.

    When I started this account, I knew this was exactly how I wanted to make money. I have always been passionate about teaching and so being able to earn real high Dollars from teaching online is impressive.

    Today I am blessed to say my Instagram side hustle pays me money every single day, and for you reading, I want you to know you can do the same.

    These 2 Major sources of Income have helped me understand more and more what is important when it comes to actually making Money online.

    If you don’t have something you are selling, a product, a service, or your personal brand, then really why are you making content?

     5 THINGS TO DO NOW to Start Making money on Instagram

    As always I will outline a few steps that you must take if you want to start earning money with your Instagram

    1. In the beginning, forget about the Money

    I know! This doesn’t sit well with everything I have previously said, but hear me out. People are not on Instagram trying to buy anything, they are trying to build connections, learn quickly and be entertained.

    So don’t try to be so quick to Sell on Instagram. Instead, Share. And share a lot.

    2. Really Identify who your Target audience is and what they need help with the most.

     In the beginning, this may be hard and you may have to start with just doing and sharing what you know. But with Action comes CLARITY so keep on making content.

    3. Focus on actively engaging in the communities where your ideal audience and customer is so that you can grow your first 1000 followers. 

    Why 1K? Because once you hit your first 1K, getting to 5K is easier. And 5K is such an important milestone on Instagram because people really begin to take you seriously and Instagram starts promoting you as well.

    4. Keep your Business goals at the forefront of your strategy and create content that helps you reach those goals. 

    Know why you are creating content and do not just create for the sake of filling space. That is a sure way to Failure.

    5. Know what you are selling and when the time is right, start making your offers. 

    I decided personally to wait to get to 5K to begin making any offer. This was a personal choice. In another post I may write about how to determine when the right time to sell is.

    If you want that post, please signify in the comments.

    But generally the right time is when you have demand.

    I decided to start early so I could throw myself out there. You do what works for your business and your goals.

    If you are ready to take Instagram seriously 

    and potentially turn it into a Business for yourself, the first thing to keep in mind is your Audience. 

    You need people who will pay you for the products and services you offer.

    Now to get more people to your profile and increase your followers, you definitely need to do the right things to get your account optimized and running. 

    CLICK HERE for my Free Ebook, 11 Secrets to Instagram Growth” and start taking action on Growing your online presence with instagram.

    Questions? Leave them in the comments or CLICK HERE to schedule a 1-on-1 Business strategy Coaching with me.

    Let’s chat in the comments,
