If you are serious about doing business online, then you must know that business is more than just posting content.
Just to be clear, I love Reels and have nothing against any kind of short-form content.
But when it comes to making money online, getting clients, and selling your digital products, simply posting Reels is not the whole game.
So before the gurus snatch your attention from you this week and bombard you with why you should spend all day creating Reels, here are 7 things that will actually move the needle in your business and deserve your attention this week.
Grow Your Email List :
If you are posting content, you should be growing your email list.
I hear people tell me all the time how they don’t have time for email marketing and they think it is not important.
Let’s be clear, if you don’t have emails from your followers, you don’t have an online business. This week, ensure that you have your Freebie funnel set up so you can attract your ideal clients, grow your list and make money every time someone joins.
I show you exactly how to do that in this class.
Pro-tip: Every time you post content this week, add a CTA asking people to download your lead magnet.

You Must Actually Send out Emails
The money is in the list they say but that’s a lie.
The money is in the list that is active.
You already know you should create a Freebie. You probably already have one.
But if you are not sending out emails to your list, your list is useless to your business.
The purpose of the list is to have your own community.
Even if you send only one email this week, that alone can change so much!
The money is in a list that is active.
Teach a Live Class
I cannot tell you enough how powerful connecting with your audience in a live class is. Every time I go Live, I make money.
That’s facts and it’s no surprise.
People buy from people they know. People are drawn to your energy when they can hear you, see you, and feel your essence.
Plan a Livestream this week and create a real connection with your tribe. It could be IG Live, Facebook, Clubhouse, a Webinar, whatever. Teach Live!
Pro-tip: Send an email with the title – NAME is this you? And in the content: Tell your audience something like:
“Hey NAME, I’m planning an intensive class this week to teach you [HOT TOPIC IN YOUR NICHE]. This is for people who are [YOUR IDEAL CLIENT AVATAR]. Is this you? Is this a class that will help you right now? If yes, please hit reply to this email and I’ll send you the link to the class.
There are only 15 Spots open. Hit reply now if you want it.
If you haven’t sent out an email in a long time, this is a perfect way to break the ice.
Not sure what topics or ideas to offer in your classes or digital products?
Watch the Profitable Digital Product Planning Workshop.
Follow Up with Hot Leads
If you want to make money this week, FOLLOW UP. Get back in your DMs and wake the conversations up!
I had a client once who complained that her followers just liked to pick her brain for free and never bought anything. She had a problem with converting Followers into paying clients.
So I had a 1:1 consultation with her and taught her How to Sell in the DMs. Just two days after she sent me this 👇🏽

There is so much money you have been leaving on the table. Get back in your DMs and get them out this week.
Pro Tip: Don’t be boring when you start the conversation. Wake a dead conversation with phrases like —
“Hey NAME, I was wondering if you gave some thought to this? What’s your decision
“Hey NAME, before I get way too swamped with work, I wanted to make sure to give you some feedback today —
..then proceed to help them with a quick tip and ask for a call)
Learn a New Skill
I have successfully improved my skills and my value in a very short time because I invest in coaches, buy courses that help me, and actually commit the time to watch the courses I buy.
This week, replace Netflix with a course or some form of learning.
You will be surprised just how much time you waste that could be used to upgrade yourself and your skills.
I went from $45 per client to now charging over $10,000 in less than two years because of this one thing.
You only need 30 minutes a day to learn a new skill. Dig out all the online courses you have invested in. Get on Youtube. Read more books. Do something that forces you to learn a new thing every single day.
Because committing time to your own self-improvement is how you knock out the competition.
Ask for the Sale, hunnie!
Selling is important. You must learn how to sell. You must learn how to communicate so that people want to buy.
Stop saying “You don’t know how to sell,” —that’s a lie.
You do. You just haven’t practiced enough times and you give up before you see results.
You are already doing the work, posting content, connecting with your audience, always make sure to Ask for the Sale
Pro Tip: Break the ice with phrases like-
“When would you like to start?
“Do you want me to lock this in for you at the discount price right now?
“Can you share with me how you believe your life will be transformed when you finally have this?
Update your Online Course
We love digital products and online courses because it is the set it and forget it life.
You make a digital product once and don’t have to create it again.
However, updating your courses and ebooks from time to time is the best way to continue to help your students and keep them happy.
New information comes in all the time, and as a coach, you are constantly learning and improving yourself as well.
So, do you think your online course is long overdue for an update?
Is there something different and valuable your students can gain from your new knowledge and experience?
Take some time out this week to check for places where your courses can do with some improvement and update your course.
If you haven’t created a digital course yet and you are ready to make 2022 the year you finally earn passive income with courses, Join me for the Course Creation Workshop.
Digital courses changed my life and I am committed to helping as many Creators as I can do the same. Seats are Limited.
Join the Waitlist for the course creation workshop now and be in line to get the cheapest tickets for the first 10 people!
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