Are Online Courses Still Profitable in 2022?
The straight answer to this is Yes!
Even more so now than ever before.
The world has changed drastically in the last couple of years due to the unfortunate outbreak of the pandemic in 2020. It is no surprise that more and more people are online now, as the pandemic forced us to be quarantined and work from home.
Many more people are embracing the work from home, learn from home attitude, and as such, there is a huge increase in the number of people searching for solutions online.
If you are yet to create an online course, now is the perfect time as people have become more accepting of the digital world, transacting business, connecting with friends and family, improving themselves, and getting an education, all online!
As you can see from this Google Trend search below, the search for the keyword “Online Course” has only continued to rise in the past five years.

How to Make Your Online Course More Profitable
So many course creators are faced with the daunting feeling that perhaps their online course is not valuable enough, and they need to improve the information or add more modules to make it appear fuller.
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But simply adding more and more modules into a course is not what makes it valuable. A valuable online course is one that does what it says it would do for the student.
Not everyone who begins an online course actually goes through the entire content and finishes up. It is estimated that only 20% of the students go through the complete course material.
So your task is not merely to add more modules to make the course appear valuable, you should instead be focusing on helping your students go through the material easily and achieve results faster.
How do you make an online course Profitable?
Have you created an online course already or thinking of creating one? Simply increasing the price of a course without increasing its value to your students is not what will make your online course profitable. You need to follow proven tactics and strategies which I will share with you below.
Once you have one or a combination of these in place, you can bet your next Dollar that the perceived value of your course will increase dramatically.
Here are 7 Ways to Make Your Online Course More Profitable
Your course is only as valuable as it can get results for your students. Here are 7 simple things to do to Increase the Value of your course and even potentially increase the price.
- Add Worksheets, Templates, and corresponding documents that will help students practice what you teach: This is a great way to really make your course come alive. By adding templates and such documents, you give your students more resources to help them achieve their goals faster. Watch this quick tutorial to learn how to add worksheets and templates to your course.
- Include hands-on training or one-on-one coaching access: Some creators and coaches are available to work one-on-one with their students. Adding this simple offer can exponentially increase the perceived value so you can raise the price of your course. People love access, and most times are more than willing to pay for it. Simply adding two Live group coaching to your course can prove profitable. Create a simple Coaching gig directly from your dashboard on Kobocourse.
- Create a Community for the students: People like to be around like-minded people. This is why social media gets all the attention and why people still spend time in Facebook groups and Discord communities. Humans are generally community-driven and having a community in your course can be the difference between a course that thrives and is successful and one that isn’t. You can set this up easily with Facebook groups or with the powerful Membership feature on Kobocourse.
- Add Exercises and Homework for students: Adding homework or things to do is the perfect way to ensure your students are practicing the information in your course. You can add compulsory work-to-do assignments to each module of your course and force your students not to move to the next module without finishing the first. Your students will be glad for this because it encourages them to do the work and leads them closer to their own goals. Remember, your course is only as profitable as it can get results for your students.
- Offer direct QnA portals or Forums: If your students know that they can send in questions anytime and get answers directly from you or your team, this alone can trigger a sense of support which is what everyone needs. Your students don’t only need the information in your online course, they also want to know that they will be supported if they ever need help. Kobocourse makes this a seamless process with a Questions box that is displayed with all of your courses and you can easily respond to questions from your students on your Kobocourse dashboard.
- Offer Challenges and Prices for completion: Just like your work-to-do or homework for your students, you can offer group challenges that everyone participates in from time to time and add prices for winners. These types of added bonuses deepen that sense of community with your students and help them feel motivated to actually implement your course.
- Set your Courses to Expire at a certain time: A very effective, yet not so common strategy is to set your courses to be accessed for just a limited time. Some coaches set their courses to expire after a year and because students know that they will have to pay again to access the material, they are usually forced to finish the course. You can do this easily with the Membership feature on Kobocourse and you can create a Membership course site that is set to monthly, quarterly, or yearly access.
Remember, the more you help your students get what they want, the easier it is for you to get what you want. If your students are successful from taking your online course, they are more likely to leave Testimonials and this in turn will give you leverage to sell more courses.
Ready to sell your own profitable online courses?
Make sure you are using the best, most affordable course hosting platform with the right tools for more sales. Sign up now for a Free Kobocourse account to start selling your own courses the smart way.