How to Make money on instagram

  • How to Make $1000 Fast By Monetizing Your Knowledge Online

    Let’s make some money together. Anyone with a social media page and valuable knowledge can do this.

    If I was broke and I needed to make $1000 online in 7 Days or less, here’s what I’d do

    How to make money online fast

    This Free guide will show you simple ways to: 

    • Serve your audience
    • Uncover a profitable idea
    • Create an offer that gets you paid
    • Expand your offer suite with more products
    • Turn one offer into a Sales Funnel to earn on Autopilot

    If you love the idea of sharing what you know and getting paid for it, keep on reading. 

    1. Find out what my present audience needs

    The first step is research.

    There are so many ways to find out what people want to pay for. In this case, I’d send out a very simple Google form to survey my audience. 

    Most people are usually happy to answer a few questions if you ask nicely. 

    Ask simple questions like: 

    “What are you struggling with in ‘topic’ 

    “What’s the one thing keeping you stuck from doing X?’ 

    2. Craft a compelling tutoring offer

    Based on the responses received, I’d craft a tutoring offer to solve the most common problem. 

    A tutoring offer in this case would be a one-time class or coaching. I can decide to contact each participant in my survey to help them 1:1. 

    Or I can choose to host a group class to help more people at once. 

    I’d make sure this tutoring offer is the first step in my offer ladder, more on that later. 

    3. Create a simple Sales page to sell tickets

    Next, I’d design a simple landing page using WordPress. If you don’t know how to build websites or landing pages, create a simple ticket offer on Kobocourse.

    For copywriting that converts, I’d follow the ultimate sales page blueprint to ensure I write compelling copy to influence sales. 

    Your Sales page can make or break your business. 

    It is the single bridge between you and your potential customers or students. 

    4. Promote the Tutoring offer/class with daily Content

    I’d plan to post high-converting content and lead my audience to check out this Tutoring offer. 

    My daily content will call out the pains, frustrations, and problems my audience is having. 

    I’d pull inspiration from my initial survey for content ideas. 

    My CTA would be:

     “Join me in the Live class and I’ll teach you how to solve X” 

    If I decide to go with 1:1 coaching, my CTA could be, “DM me to book a call” 

    5. Host the Class Live / Take 1:1 Calls

    Next, I’d host this class Live and teach my concepts to the group. 

    My Tickets would be anywhere from $27 – $97 depending on the offer and the audience. For 1:1 coaching calls, I could price higher at $150 – $250 

    I prefer Live group classes where I can teach many people the same concept at once. You have to do what works for you.

    6. Upsell attendees to a Premium 1:1 Coaching

    Your Live class/ call is an opportunity to meet with people who are at the first step of your offer ladder. Chances are, what you’re teaching at this stage will help them move on to the next stage. 

    Once done with the call or class, I’d present the next step. 

    For example: If I teach people how to write, design and publish their eBooks for Profit, my Live class could be: 

    “How to Write Your eBook Like a Pro” – Live class for $47 

    And the next step could be: “How to Make $10,000 in 30 Days Selling Your eBook” – Coaching for $750 

    7. Send Emails to Sell the Replay

    Now my initial Live class can become a new Digital product I can sell.

    I can package up the replay as a New Workshop to continue to serve my audience. This in itself becomes a Sales Funnel for my business.

    Even better, I can create a Free Lead magnet Funnel and add this Workshop as a Tripwire. I can then use my Leadmagnet Funnel to grow my email list and have the class selling on autopilot in the funnel.

    This is a very simple system I have used over and over again. If you ever wanted a quick cash injection in your business, try this and let me know in the comments how it helped you!


    Here’s how I can help you now:

    Apply for a Call and Work with me 1:1 to Build your Sales Funnels for you so you can Automate your entire business. This is for serious coaches who are ready to level up their business online

    The Profitable Digital Product Planning Workshop: Steal the Exact 3-Step Strategy I use to Research, Validate, and Sell my Digital Products even before I make them. Don’t create another Digital Product, eBook, or Course until you watch this class

    Go from 0 to $1000 in 30 Days or Less. Discover the Proven Formula for Monetizing Your Knowledge as a beginner and generating your first $1000 easily

    Learn How to Create Sales Pages that Sell using the Secret Copywriting hacks from the Sales Letter that made $50,000 in only 45 Days


  • How to Sell and Make Money on Instagram Without a Website

    This blog is dedicated to helping Creators like you monetize your knowledge with digital products. But most creators who use Instagram do not maximize its potential.

    Instagram has 500 Million users daily.

    Including your clients and all the people who need your services and your digital products.

    But most people don’t know how to sell on Instagram.

    If you use it correctly, Instagram can continue to drive quality leads and clients to your business every day.

    In this article, I’ll share some of the little unknown ways to drive quality leads and turn followers into buyers on Instagram.

    But before we dive in, here are a few common questions I get all the time on How to Make Money on Instagram.

    How to Sell on Instagram without a Website

    How Many Followers Do You Need to Make Money on Instagram?

    Don’t underestimate the power of Instagram for making money.

    You only need enough people engaging with your content to push your posts into the Instagram feeds. Instagram does not judge the quality of your content based on how many followers you have but on the ratio of your engagement.

    This is why it doesn’t matter if you have 500 or 5000 followers, if you post great, shareable content, you have the potential to make money using the methods outlined in this post.

    It will help you a lot if you have more followers of course, but don’t wait until you have 5000 followers on Instagram before you start monetizing.

    What is the Easiest Way to Sell on Instagram

    I have been selling on Instagram consistently for 3 years now and I have made more money by selling in the DMs than any other way.

    The easiest way to sell on Instagram is through your DMs, but so many people do not utilize this powerful feature enough.

    Because Instagram wants to keep people on the platform, it is important that you sell to people where they already are.

    So how do you sell in Instagram DMs?

    First, we must ensure we are getting enough people to send us DMs.

    You want to spend time chatting with only the best potential clients and not just everyone.

    Your content in Stories, on your Feed, and on your Livestream should be targeted to send people into your DMs.

    And then from your DMs, you can chat them into the sale directly or on a phone call.

    Why Am I Not Getting Clients on Instagram?

    If you have been posting content consistently on Instagram for a while now but still not getting clients, it may be because your strategy is broken.

    Many creators simply post ‘good’ content and hope that because their content is good, they should be getting clients. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

    You must understand that Instagram is a social platform before it is a platform you can leverage for business.

    Yes, you can monetize on Instagram and quickly get clients on Instagram, but you must have a plan to turn followers into buyers on Instagram.

    You will learn very simple-to-follow tricks in this article and I cannot wait for you to jump in.

    Here Are 7 Smart Ways to Sell on Instagram Without Selling Your Soul

    First, when it comes to getting clients on Social media, you want to automate your entire sales process with a Funnel.

    What you want is a freedom-based business, not a business that sucks up your soul. 

    You also want the process of getting clients to not involve you at all. This way, as your content gets traction, you can turn followers into clients on autopilot.

    This is where your automated Lead-gen funnel comes in place.

    All these tips are assuming you already have a lead-gen funnel in place. So all you do is focus on Content.

    Everything you are doing on Instagram to try to get clients is to fill up your funnel with leads.

    On Instagram here are 7 smart and easy ways to get people into your funnel.

    Instagram Story polls

    One of the most strategic ways to get clients on Instagram is through your stories.

    People are more likely to respond to story polls and respond to stories than they are to click the link in your Stories. 

    Instagram has done an excellent job of ensuring people log on to Instagram and never want to leave.

    So no, even though Instagram has a fancy Links sticker, people will not click your link in stories.

    Do this instead:

    • Using the Polls / Question Sticker, Ask 2-5 questions that qualify a prospect. Make sure to ask simple questions.
    • Message everyone who answers Yes.

    There is no friction here as people are more likely to answer questions. Plus, you are able to get qualified leads from this knowing that people are usually sincere with their answers.

    Instagram Story Replies

    People are more likely to reply to your story (it’s easy) than to click your link to leave Instagram.

    Use story replies to share your High-value lead magnet

    Automate story replies and keywords with Manychat so you don’t have to do this yourself.

    • E.g Do you want access to my ‘high-value lead magnet name’ – Type FREEBIE and I’ll send it to you

    You will be shocked at how many replies you get.

    But the key here is to ensure you are not responding to everyone who sends you the Keyword.

    Make sure to automate your DMs with a tool like Manychat.

    Your DM bot will then respond to everyone and give them the link. Let your Funnel do the rest.

    Sponsored/Guest post

    You can leverage the audiences of similar accounts in your niche. But you must have a clear, working strategy if you go this route. The best way to get leads from a sponsored or guest post is to offer something valuable to the new audience. 

    Post a piece of content on another person’s account. Then make an invitation to DM you a Keyword for your high-value free offer. 

    • E.g – DM me Keyword “MAGNET” and I’ll send you my Magnetic Attraction Guide. 

    This way you have a special keyword for your guest posts and you have clear data on how it converts.

    Comments in post

    First, ensure your content is high quality and targeted to your ideal client.

    Then In the first 5 lines of your caption, ask people to leave a comment with a Keyword to receive your lead magnet.

    People are likelier to drop a comment than to click the link in your bio. Your DM automation will do the rest.

    DM Keyword

    This is one of my favorite ways to get clients on Instagram. like the previous point, instead of asking people to leave a comment, ask them to DM you.

    Making people take that extra step to go into your DM to message you is a qualifier in itself.

    You are waking them up from their

    Link in bio

    Believe it or not, people do not like to leave Instagram.

    Asking people to click the link in your bio is a great way to lose 50% of all your potential leads and clients. No matter how much someone needs your solution, they still won’t click the link.

    Instagram puts people in a zombified state that creates friction and resistance. 

    People just want to keep on scrolling.

    Even when you ask people to click the link in your bio to get something for free, there is still resistance. 

    Notice how highly targeted the link is in relation to the call-to-action

    While you still want to leverage the power of the link in your bio, you want to ensure that the link will convert. 

    • Make the link in your bio a lead-gen funnel. 
    • Have fewer links in your bio
    • Customize the link for readability
    • Use your own domain instead of Linktree 
    • Always make a Call to action to the link in the bio

    Instagram LIVE + Keyword

    Instagram Livestreams is one of the most underutilized channels for conversion.

    If you are serious about getting clients and sales on Instagram, add Livestreams to your strategy.

    Again, you must be ready for your conversion process. The best call-to-action on a Livestream depending on your strategy is:

    • Click the link in the bio (Make sure there is a deadline for this offer, or it expires after the Livestream else they won’t take action)
    • DM me “Keyword” ( Make sure there is a limit on the offer)

    Your landing pages and funnels must be ready to receive the traffic you are sending from Instagram.

    This is the key to making any of this work.

    This way you can focus on your content process and let your funnel do the rest.

    If you want to learn how to set up your own lead gen funnel in a day, watch the Sales Funnel Workshop 


    When you are ready, Here are other ways I can help you grow your business

    Work with me one-on-one to Build out your Sales Funnels – Click Here

    Learn How to Build Your Lead Generation Funnel in a Day – Watch Masterclass

    Monetize Your Knowledge and Go from $0 to $1000 in 30 Days or Less – Click Here


  • How I Did N17,000,000 in Only 1 Year from Monetizing My Knowledge Online

    The first time I tried to monetize by selling a digital product online, was probably sometime in 2008. It was an eBook that I put up for sale for $5.

    At that time, I was dabbling, trying my hands on just about anything to try to figure the Internet out.

    I had always known that information products were the future of eCommerce.

    As a writer, I dreamed of a future where I earned money selling digital products that I didn’t have to touch or ship and lived a life on the beach working from my laptop every day. 

    Get this wifi bread right?

    It wasn’t until the year 2020 that I decided I was going to turn my brain into a money maker. This was much earlier in January, before the lockdowns and quarantine. 

    I had just started a brand new Instagram page for my online business and I was determined to monetize on Instagram quickly by selling digital courses. 

    My driving principle was simple. 

    If I share enough valuable content, I’ll grow a niche audience. 

    If I grow a niche audience I can monetize by selling my digital courses and teaching what I know. 

    I believed in this so much that I jumped headfirst and committed myself to growing my Instagram page fast. 

    SEE ALSO: MASTER THE INSTAGRAM GAME – How to Grow from 0-5000 Followers Fast

    In the early days of my Instagram journey, I was teaching people how to create better content and grow on Instagram. It was what I knew a lot about and there was a big demand for it because everyone wanted to know how to create content. 

    One of the topics that kickstarted this for me was mobile videography.

    I was very well skilled with just about any mobile device and I enjoyed teaching tricks with video creation on a phone. 

    So very prematurely, and without really knowing what I was doing, I created my first course.

    It was a mobile videography course teaching people how to film and edit videos on a phone. 

    I spent a great deal of time putting this course together, compiling the video and content, and releasing it to my growing Instagram audience. I had no clue how to launch a course, how to make sales, or how to even validate a course. 

    I just believed that if I created it, the buyers will come. 


    This is the mindset that wrecks a lot of course creators even before they begin. That course flopped terribly, I got only about two or three sales and I very quickly got tired of the process. 

    I was disappointed, lost my mojo, and was back to square one with figuring out how I was going to make money with my Instagram page.

    SEE ALSO: How to Sell in The DMs – Learn How to Chat for Cash and close Sales in the DMs

    So I put course selling on the back burner for a little bit and began to focus on selling services instead. I opted to help people one-on-one by auditing their Instagram pages, offering Instagram coaching, and even doing personalized hashtags research. 

    These services began to gain momentum and soon the reviews came pouring in. My services were billed anywhere from $50 to $200 and it was nice for a while to see this money coming in.

    Through my one-on-one interaction with my followers, I very quickly learned that the major problem for most people was understanding hashtags. 

    Most of my one-on-one clients wanted me to help them master hashtags or research their hashtags for Instagram.

    This feedback helped me realize that I had a potential winner for an eBook so I got to work and began to write an eBook all about Instagram Hashtags. 

    First, I created a Free eBook to answer the frequently asked questions on Hashtags. It did so well, got a lot of downloads and this was all I needed to know that my Hashtags ebook was going to be a hit. It became my first official digital product and I released it to my followers and email list. 

    I initially put this eBook out at a mere $9 and gradually increased the price over time.

    So far this one eBook on Mastering Hashtags brought in almost $5,000 in passive income sales. I was very happy with the result of this eBook, and because of the incredible reviews from students, I soon expanded it into a comprehensive digital course on Mastering Instagram Hashtags!

    I also decided to try my hands on more in-depth one-on-one coaching experiences.

    To start, I was offering hourly coaching and had people pay $100 – $300 per hour to coach with me via Zoom. 

    This quickly became hectic and I wasn’t having fun anymore. 

    I had more fun teaching group classes and workshops and was consistently doing more of those because it connected me with more people at a time. 

    So instead of hourly coaching, I decided to take on more immersive one-on-one coaching clients.

    I billed between $1500 to $3000 monthly depending on the requirements for that specific client. 

    This single move helped me quickly increase my revenue that year as I was able to sign on four paid clients in a very short time!

    One-on-one coaching is also a fantastic way to get real results for real people before making a move to create a digital course. 

    Again, I am not a big one-on-one coaching girl, and as much as I adore my clients and always have a good time coaching people, I still wanted to grow a business that did not require my presence. 

    This meant committing time to create better digital courses that I could sell on autopilot.

    So I went back to the drawing board, researched my audience some more to understand what they needed, and pulled out the best results. 

    I found out that most people wanted to learn how to create and sell eBooks. Interesting right? But not surprising. Most people who start out trying to sell digital courses usually start with eBooks.

    I took this feedback and like the first time, I first created an eBook for this topic.

    As a writer, I always tend to create an eBook first before I make a course.

    It helps me get my ideas down on the page and expand on them quickly. 

    Ebooks are also generally less expensive than courses and easier to deliver. They also provide your audience with a tiny valuable offer that they can easily pay for.

    My new eBook guide on creating and selling eBooks sold well and I used this as a sign to create a comprehensive digital course on the topic.

    The first time I sold this course, I sold it as a group coaching Live course for $597 per student and signed on nine students on the first day. 

    Not bad for the first time!

    Remember, my very first course which was on Mobile Videography had sold for $45 per student and I could barely make five sales.

    Over time, I had grown my business, my impact, and influence and could now command higher prices, and sell better.

    I had also learned how to test my ideas, validate my courses and even make sales before my course was created. 

    From the very beginning, my biggest driving force has been to create an online business that required less and less of my physical presence and input. 

    This means less one-on-one coaching and more courses. 

    I have also opened up a Membership community for Digital Creators and this has quickly become one of my favorite income streams. I can serve my students and clients at scale, build a community, and have an immersive coaching experience with them.

    They will grow with me over time and I can oversee their progress. 

    It is like having courses and coaching on steroids. 

    It also means I can earn monthly recurring revenue from my Membership, reduces the workload, and helps me serve more people at a time. 

    When I began selling digital courses, I fell in love fast with the process and created an eBook or Course on just about everything I was learning online. 

    However, the biggest problem with having so many courses is you become overwhelmed with having to sell this and that course and soon you stop having fun. 

    So now, I have just my Membership, which houses all of the courses I have created for digital creators who want to monetize online, and my main course on Sales Funnels.

    Focusing on serving my membership and having only one main course was the best decision I could have ever made as it eases the overwhelm of having too many products out.

    In all this time, I have learned how to create and sell different types of digital offers, services, eBooks, Courses, Coaching, and Memberships. 

    Each of these requires a different approach to marketing, delivery, and sales. But doing them all has taught me more than I could have ever learned from doing just one of these methods. 

    This is how I was able to earn over N17,000,000 ($30,000) in my very first year with my online business and it is how I continue to earn money today.


  • How to Monetize Instagram with 1000 Followers

    Can you make money on Instagram with just 1000 followers or less?

    The honest, short answer is Yes! But there is a method to the madness of making money on Instagram and this is what I break down, step by step in this new episode of the Knowledge into Income Podcast


    When I started my brand new Instagram page in 2020, I knew I was going to monetize Instagram with digital products. So the very first thing I did was create a lead magnet funnel to attract potential customers. I did this even before I knew what I was going to sell or what products I’d eventually create.

    I went head-on first on growing my email list because this is the very first step to converting followers into buyers online.

    It is important to keep in mind that Instagram is still a Social media platform before it is a tool that can be leveraged for business. With this in mind you understand that your efforts must first begin as social networking, growing a fanbase, getting people to consume your content and buy into your ideas and values.

    To make money on Instagram by going in first to sell will be very futile and ultimate detrimental to your business /personal brand.

    Listen to this episode now to learn my exact strategy for turning a small Instagram page into a money making page for you!

    And if you enjoyed it, please do LEAVE A REVIEW as it helps me help you some more with more free content!


  • How To Sell With Instagram Stories: 4 Powerful Hacks

    If you are a content creator, coach, service based business or entrepreneur, then you probably already know the unique power Instagram has when it come to creating connection and community with your audience. But have you been able to leverage Instagram for your Business to generate sales?

    When it comes to making sales on the gram, I assure you, the best tools are behind the scenes.

    While everyone is focusing on the Feed content and getting followers, serious entrepreneurs who use Instagram tactfully are focusing on using the unseen tools – Instagram Stories and the DMs.

    In my post where I shared How I made my first $10,000 on Instagram, I talked about my DM Strategy and how I have leveraged the DMs as the first step of my sales funnels and closed countless sales thanks to the DMs. But there is one step in that funnel that is so very important and it is your Stories.

    Instagram stories are filled with some powerful tools that I bet you are not even using yet. If all you do on stories is repost other people’s posts, share memes and post without strategy, you are missing out on some big sales machine at your finger tips.

    In this post, I will break down 4 Powerful Strategies that will help you nail the sale when you use them. But also keep in mind that everything I share here is aimed at getting people straight into your DMs so that you can convert them.

    You see, the idea of selling in stories, is not necessarily just to Sell directly, but mostly to lead your followers into the sale themselves. For this to happen you have to become an avid user of Instagram stories.

    You want your audience to begin to expect to see stories from you daily and you want to make sure these Story Posts are well made, engaging and unique.

    SEE ALSO: How To Sell In The DMs

    The Tutorial/Mini Training Hack

    This is one of the most powerful tools you can use to convert followers into buyers. What you want to do is create a mini series focusing specifically on offering your followers a tiny win. Teach them how you do something, how you achieve a goal, whatever it is in your niche – but sharing this in your stories makes it feel hidden and special.

    They know that it will disappear after 24 hours so they stick around to watch it.

    Right in the middle of your training, you want to pop up a Question Sticker asking if they need more personalized help (related to the mini training you just shared) , or a poll with two options to filter out people and find out who is ready for the next step with you. More on how to use Polls below👇

    Mini Trainings convert really well on stories. What you need to do is link the training directly to the next step in your offer ladder. Instead of directly selling something, you may want to give the link to your Freebie. And if you choose to directly sell something, do not miss the sale by going for it head first.

    Selling on stories is really about leading people slowly through the conversion steps like Using a poll to see who is interested first before adding the slide for your direct sale. (More on polls below)

    Ask Me A Question Hack

    Just like the mini-training, the Question sticker will allow you share a lot of value with your audience slide by slide.

    I see a lot of people use the Question sticker but in a completely non-converting way. The question sticker is so underutilized that I cannot stop myself from convincing you to use it and use it often. You are in the information business and the reason your followers follow you is because of the information you share.

    If you have something to sell, sharing information that ties in directly with that service or product is one of the best ways to increase awareness and sales. And what better way to share information than to use the user generated content like questions.

    Pop up the question sticker in your stories and ask your audience to ask you a specific question. This is a great way to conduct market research, find out what your audience needs and also showcase your expertise in that subject matter.

    For example, if you have a coaching service teaching new Moms how to start a business on Instagram – Your question sticker can say – “Ask me a Question about Instagram”

    View the example below from one of my stories.

    Tell your audience specifically what to ask you is a great way to keep the conversation and your responses right in line with what you are selling.

    The effectiveness of the Question sticker lies in your ability to lead your audience to ask you specific, related questions. Don’t just put up the sticker and say “Ask me a question” – You will get too many random answers.

    What you do after posting the answers to this sticker is to soft sell. Right after answering the questions and giving as much expert tips as possible, Pop up a poll as shown above and ask to see who is interested in the next step with you.

    The Super Poll Hack

    Instagram story polls are one of my favorite tools to determine who is really interested in something. If you have set up your business properly, with sales pages ready, opt in forms on hand, freebies ready to go, your entire funnel and sequence just waiting for a lead to come in, this is a great way to convert followers into leads and buyers fast.

    The reason to do this is you want to have on hand, the exact people who are interested in your offer because you are going to DM all of them. The DMs is where most of your sales will happen on Instagram so it is paramount that you know How to sell in the DMs else you might be losing out on the super power that is Instagram.

    You are also going to add a slide right after your poll with a direct sale. You already have people’s attention with the answers to your question. This is a good time to make a move for the sale. But make sure you have your poll posted before the slide for the sale because you want people to show interest first and these are the people to DM.

    EXPERT TIP: Personalize all the DMs you send out. It can be as simple as having a single message to send to everyone, but starting with their own name – E.g [ Hi Eva, thank you for answering the poll + copied message ]

    Results of a Poll in Stories. You can DM everyone who selected the Right action.

    EXPERT TIP 2 : To make Instagram Polls work, you have to create high converting call to action options. Using dull “YES/NO” options on your poll is not going to convert as well as making the call to action a prompt in the next direction. Look at these examples below

    Make the options on your Poll enticing

    Selling on Instagram is easy when you understand how people use Instagram and how to lead them slowly through your sales process. Remember, people are not on Instagram holding their credit cards just waiting to buy something. They are on Instagram to make connections.

    If you can make everything you do feel like an extra connection with your audience, you will earn the sale with ease.

    Which of these tips are you going to implement? Share your thoughts in comments 👇